Goals to Set for Yourself with World Traveling School

Mindful snacking tidbits | World Traveling School

Pack your bags and maybe even your pillows because when you travel, you take what you can get and make the most of what you have. And, ain’t that living?

When your kid’s in school and you travel as a semi-permanent lifestyle, you can do the things for yourself you would at home or perhaps, do them even better than you would at home.

All those plans and goals?

  • Learn a new language
  • Eat whole foods
  • Get off your screen not working
  • Exercise
  • Catch THAT fish
  • Climb those mountains (and maybe even some volcanoes!)
  • Learn to surf
  • Learn self-defense
  • Get outside
  • Spend quality time

All are possible and even extra-inspired when you’re getting enough of a place to be comfy, but not so much you feel complacent.

With the peace of mind WTS education provides, we encourage our parents to focus on the joy of travel, having freedom for individual pursuits and also to allocate really intentional time with the fam.

There’s so much to learn and we’re all learning from the world together, with World Traveling School.

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