Why we are a Screen-Free Traveling School

Digital Nomad Family Worldschooling

Montessori-method is an over 100 year-old proven educational model. But, guess what they didn’t have 100 years ago? 50 years ago? Pervasive screens.

We are a screen-free school so our students have optimal cognitive development. With this, students have an increased ability for critical thinking and executive functions (like practical life skills), so they can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

We want them to have developed their brains to the fullest capacity, develop their social skills and have a memory of childhood playing fully present. We want to equip our students for life, even within a digital world, so they can eventually learn to use tech functionally, with necessary boundaries.

Child Brain Development

Children’s brains undergo rapid development and growth. This period, often referred to as the critical period, is marked by significant changes in neural connections and pathways. Here are huge ways screen use impacts the brain’s natural developmental process.

Impact on Cognitive Development

  • Language Development
    Language acquisition in young children is heavily influenced by their environment and interactions with others. Screen time limits opportunities for meaningful communication, hindering the development of language skills.
  • Attention and Memory
    Screen use involves rapid transitions and constant stimulation, which can lead to difficulties in sustaining attention and impairing memory formation in young children.
  • Problem-Solving Skills
    Screen use limits the child’s ability to think critically and solve problems independently.

Influence on Emotional Well-being

  • Social Interaction
    Screen use may potentially replace real-life social interactions, leading to a lack of necessary social skills and emotional intelligence crucial for healthy development.
  • Emotional Regulation
    Children learn to regulate their emotions by observing and interacting with others. Screen-based activities interfere with this process, affecting a child’s emotional well-being and ability to manage their emotions effectively.
  • Sleep Disruptions
    Screen time before bed can contribute to sleep disturbances, adversely affecting a child’s overall emotional well-being and cognitive functioning.

Screen Studies

We don’t think it’s very popular to fund or explore what it means to be screen-free, but that doesn’t mean some aren’t doing it. Here is some research.

1. Study by Christakis

  • This study explored the association between screen time and brain structure in children aged 3 to 5 years.
  • Findings indicated that higher levels of screen time were associated with lower microstructural integrity of the white matter in the brain, indicating less efficient communication between brain regions.

2. Study by Hutton

  • This study examined the impact of screen time on early brain development in children aged 3 to 5 years.
  • The results suggested that higher levels of screen time were associated with differences in the structural integrity of white matter tracts implicated in language and literacy skills.

3. Study by Madigan

  • This study explored the association between screen time and child development outcomes at different ages.
  • Findings revealed that excessive screen time at age 2 were associated with poorer developmental outcomes at age 3, including reductions in language and social-emotional skills.

Nurturing Healthy Brain Development through Worldschooling, Montessori & World Traveling School

At WTS, we combine Montessori, worldschooling and a screen-free approach so your child is literally getting the best education out there. Join us.

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